Archiving of outgoing documents
Archiving of outgoing documents is carried out automatically via a standardized ArchiveLink interface for archiving outgoing documents. The mode of archiving outgoing documents is determined exclusively by configuring the SAP system.
Documents created in the SAP system (invoices, purchase orders, travel orders, pay rolls, etc.) and sent in paper form to your suppliers, customers and employees via the ArchiveLink standardized interface for the archiving of outgoing documents are automatically archived in the electronic archives on the IMiS ARC Server as object files.
Outgoing documents are usually in PDF form and are archived, similarly to single-document or batch printing, via the so-called spooler, which is indirectly connected to the electronic archives via the ArchiveLink HTTP protocol. The archiving mode for outgoing documents is determined exclusively by configuring the SAP system.
When a user opens an individual SAP record, scanned documents (including interconnected ones!) can be selected and viewed using a menu function. When the attachment is clicked, the user uses the ID of the archived object to acquire the archived object from the electronic archives via SAP ArchiveLink and displays it in the integrated SAP viewer.