
Our solutions are based on established technologies and quality services.
They are used by organizations of all sizes and from various industry sectors. Solutions are directed towards the optimization of business and better efficiency. They operate reliably. The total costs of ownership is known in advance and remain unchanged throughout. Solutions can be linked to various systems and applications. Integration into an existing environment is simple. The common denominator of all solutions is the IMiS software product.

The DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM provides comprehensive support and effective implementation of business processes and the transparency of documentation and business operations. All documents are located in a central digital document archive. They are routed transparently and are accessible to authorized persons. Searching is quick and easy.

The DIGITAL ARCHIVE is a secure, long-term solution for ensuring storage of an unlimited amount of content. It can be used as a standalone archive or it can be connected to other applications. The content is arranged in the classification scheme and is accessible to users with appropriate user rights. It is possible to search by metadata or full text. The system provides traceability and proof of origin of changes. Authenticity of the content is ensured for the entire duration of their storage.

HCL DOMINO APPLICATIONS ON MOBILE DEVICES enables secure and stable execution of business processes and displaying documents with attachments, without having to modify an application and no matter of the application type.

The SOLUTION FOR SAP enables the scanning, archiving and viewing of SAP documents. Accessibility of documents in the SAP system is better. Documentation is more transparent. Business operations are carried out faster.